All posts by Maria Isabel

Diet for Specific Health Conditions

ANXIETY: Anxiety is a normal reaction when experiencing a painful situation, or when making a critical decision. But when emotions related to anxiety are overwhelming and interfere with your normal functioning and thinking; this is called “Anxiety Disorder a mental illness.

What to eat:

  • Eat Tryptophan-Rich Foods – shellfish, oats, beans , bananas, milk, peanut butter, lentils, fish (tuna and salmon), chicken, turkey, cheese, soya (tofu and soya beans), seeds, and nuts.
  • Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin B – beef, pork, lamb, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, and eggs.
  • Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin B – beef, pork, lamb, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, and eggs.
  • Eat Whole Wheat Bread.
  • Eat foods rich in Omega -3 fatty acids.
  • Consume High-Protein Foods

Foods to Avoid:

  • Limit Coffee and caffeine containing drinks
  • Limit sweets – like table sugar, honey and corn syrup
  • Limit intake of Alcohol
  • Limit processed foods such as hot dogs, sausage, pie, and cakes.


ATRIAL FIBRILLATION– is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by irregular and fast heartbeats.

What to eat:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole Grains
  • Fat-free or Low-fat dairy products
  • More Fish
  • Proteins – Emphasize white meat over red meat – choose lean cuts

What to avoid:

  • Limit red meat- you can still have some on your diet, but choose lean cuts
  • Avoid deep fried foods – limit saturated fat, and trans fat
  • Eat less salt.
  • Avoid caffeine.
  • Limit alcohol consumption



What to eat:

  • Foods rich in protein
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats)

What to avoid:

  • Fats (saturated and trans fat)
  • Limit sweets


The primary and sole treatment for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet

What to avoid:

  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Rye


CHOLELITHIASIS (Gallbladder Stone)

What to eat in small frequent meals throughout the day:

  • Foods rich in fiber
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Increase your water intake

Foods to avoid:

  • High-fat dairy foods (you can have low-fat dairy products)
  • Fatty foods
  • Fried foods


CROHN’s DISEASE: is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which causes inflammation of the stomach lining.

What to eat – easy to digest foods in small frequent meals.
⦁ Almond milk – contains no cholesterol or saturated fats
⦁ Aged Cheese (hard cheese) has less lactose
⦁ Low residue foods
⦁ Low Fiber Diet
⦁ Vegetable Soup
⦁ Increase fluid intake
⦁ Low-fat diet
⦁ Fruits like Papaya, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew Melon, Banana, and Mango
⦁ Cooked or steamed vegetables
⦁ Well-cooked and tender meat

Food to avoid: irritants and difficult to digest foods
⦁ Dairy products due to lactose intolerance
⦁ Nuts
⦁ Fruits with skin
⦁ Popcorn
⦁ Fried Food
⦁ Cured Meat
⦁ Seeds -avoid foods that contain lots of seeds, such as strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes
⦁ Tomatoes
⦁ Coffee, chocolate, and carbonated beverages
⦁ Alcohol
⦁ Avoid grilled or roasted foods



What to eat:
⦁ Extra fats
⦁ Extra calories



⦁ Limiting foods that are high in sugar
⦁ Eat small frequent meals throughout the day
⦁ Calculate and watch your carbohydrates intake
⦁ Low-fat diet
⦁ Limit alcohol consumption
⦁ Low sodium diet – to lower the risk of high blood pressure


DIVERTICULITIS: inflamed pouches in the lining of the large intestine.

What to eat during the attack:
⦁ Water
⦁ Clear Broth
⦁ Ice pops
⦁ Clear fruit juices (avoid orange juice)
⦁ Jell-O

What to eat during recovery period:
⦁ Regular diet with low fiber and gradually change to a high fiber diet

High fiber-foods (fiber helps to soften the stool thus prevent constipation)
⦁ Whole-grain
⦁ Beans
⦁ Fresh fruits
⦁ Vegetables

Foods to avoid: (hard to digest foods)
⦁ Nuts and skin
⦁ Corn
⦁ Popcorn
⦁ Seeds and skin of fruits


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (Hypertension) – High blood pressure is a health condition in which the pressure of the blood against your artery walls is elevated that it may cause serious health problems; such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke or aneurysm

What to eat:
⦁ Eat foods that are rich in Potassium, magnesium, and fibers
⦁ Eat more fruits
⦁ Add more vegetables to your diet
⦁ Consume low-fat dairy foods like: low-fat and fat-free yogurt
⦁ Drink low-fat or skim dairy products
⦁ Increase consumption of fish, poultry, and nuts
⦁ Whole grains
⦁ Low sodium foods

What to avoid
⦁ Limit foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats
⦁ Limit sodium intake
⦁ Limit sweets, sugary drinks
⦁ Limit red meats


⦁ Low protein diet
⦁ Carbohydrate-rich foods
⦁ Low Sodium
⦁ Limit salt
⦁ Consume medium quantity of fats


⦁ Limit protein
⦁ Limit Phosphorus
⦁ Limit sodium
⦁ Limit potassium
⦁ Limit amount of liquid intake every day


OSTEOPOROSIS – is a disease in which the bones become weak and brittle

Food to eat:
⦁ Calcium rich
⦁ Vitamin D rich
⦁ Magnesium rich
⦁ Potassium rich
⦁ Vitamin K rich
⦁ Vitamin C rich
⦁ Fruits
⦁ Whole Grains
⦁ Vegetables

Foods to avoid:
⦁ Extra amounts of Vitamin A
⦁ Salt
⦁ Soda
⦁ Caffeine


NOTE: you should be aware that some people might have to adapt their diet to their culture

***Many types of heart disease can be prevented or treated with a healthy lifestyle.